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Animals: Tessa

When Tessa first came for EFT she had had a dry hacking cough for nearly 10 months. Despite exhaustive veterinary investigations and the use of antibiotics, anti-tussives, steroids and tranquillisers, nothing had made any difference.

Tessa's owners were at the end of their tether, not only because it had been so distressing for them to see Tessa suffering from this condition for such a long time, but also because the cough was at its worst in the early hours of the morning, depriving them of much needed sleep.

Within several weeks of the first treatment, the cough had improved enormously so that she was sleeping through most of the nights and was able to have days when she did not cough at all. The EFT was repeated when the cough seemed to be creeping back and again there was a marked improvement. Several 1-day treatments were given at the first signs of any setbacks, which quickly prevented any relapses developing.

Sadly, Tessa was euthanased 10 months later with a suspected liver tumour. During this period she did not require any further treatment for coughing.