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Newsletter 1: January 2002


After many years of soul-searching and preparation (I would like to be able to prefix this with patient - but restless would probably be more accurate!) the right time for me to relocate to a new environment recently arrived.

During this prolonged period of introspection, I was holding in my mind's eye the appearance of a place close to nature, filled with the sounds and sight of wildlife, enlivened by fresh winds, vibrant with the fruit of the earth and close enough to major communication routes for easy access, but far enough removed to be instilled with the rhythm and tranquillity of a semi-rural existence.

Half way through last year I discovered such a location in Medstead amongst the rolling flint-filled hills of Hampshire. The property itself was neglected and tired because an elderly couple in poor health had occupied it for the previous 18 years, and although it was idyllically situated and I could see the wonderful potential for a beautiful healing centre, I recognised that a lot of work was going to be needed to achieve this. The purchase process meandered through late summer, autumn and early winter last year, until finally, just before Christmas, Ann and I were able to take up residence.

Since then there has been a constant stream of people coming and going, giving advice, making suggestions, providing estimates and beginning the work of transforming the building to a visual and sensual representation of the quality of healing we wish people to experience when they come here. The renovations are being carried out to meticulous specifications with the clear intent that each component contributes in some way to the development of a sense of harmony, love, peace and joy. We hope that this will be reflected not only in the standard of workmanship, but also by the use of ancient designs traditionally associated with healing, the quality of the materials used and the play of light and colour. The end result will be an atmosphere that is profoundly supportive to those seeking healing and those who wish to assist in such a transformation.

Because of the amount of work that needs doing, it is probably going to be late March or early April before we are ready to see people or pets here, although I could manage courses of treatment before then if there was an urgent or specific need to do so. In the meantime I will still be running regular clinics in Stockport, Cheshire every 8 to 10 weeks and could possibly arrange appointments elsewhere if there was a demand.

Contact details are as follows:

Vincent G MacNally
The Tara Natural Healing Centre
64 Lymington Bottom Road
Medstead, Alton
Hampshire GU34 5EP

Tel: 01420 563198 or 07949 304898


At the time of writing (18/01/02) I am just about to return to Stockport for another week of EFT sessions at both the Alma Lodge Hotel and the Albany Veterinary Clinic.

The feedback from those who came to the Alma Lodge Hotel in December was very positive, with everyone finding the staff very helpful and friendly and the Bromley Room where the treatments are conducted comfortable, quiet and relaxing. Consequently, I have decided to continue to use this venue for the foreseeable future.

At the moment I am returning to Stockport approximately every 8 weeks, with the available treatment slots filling quickly - usually within 7 days of my announcing a forthcoming clinic. If you would like to book a course, please contact me either as soon as you receive a mail shot or register your interest well in advance to avoid disappointment.


At the end of January / beginning of February 2002, Positive Health Magazine is featuring an article about Energy Field Therapy in the treatment of both people and animals. This is a prestigious publication co-founded and edited by Dr Sandra Goodman to examine and present the scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of a wide range of alternative therapies and it is gratifying that Dr Goodman has been impressed enough by what she has read of Energy Field Therapy to be prepared to present some of the data that I have compiled over the last 2 ½ years. Dr Goodman was trained as a molecular biologist and has since gone on to author 4 books and to compile the Cancer and Nutrition Database for the Bristol Cancer Help Centre in 1993.

Copies of Positive Health may be obtained from any large branch of Waterstones or Neals Yard. The full unedited article is available online here for reading or printing.


I will soon be leaving for the Darkroom Retreat in Thailand on the 6th February, returning 1 month later on the 6th March. This advanced training is something I am undertaking with the hope that it will increase my capacity to help those who come to see me. I would like to thank everyone who has offered me both emotional and financial support in this and I look forward to sharing the benefits it will bring when I return. If you would like to read more about this extraordinary event you can look for details on .


On 15th October 2001 The Veterinary Times published the results of my two-year clinical trial of EFT in animals. Involving 80 animals (58 dogs, 18 cats, 2 horses and 2 rabbits) suffering from a wide range of chronic diseases, the results demonstrated a very high success rate with 79% showing a either significant improvement in their state of health to a complete cure.

The details of this article may be accessed elsewhere on this website or alternatively you can contact me and I will gladly send you a copy. Two further articles are planned and are likely to be published during the first half of this year.


Often during a course of treatment with Energy Field Therapy a central theme emerges around which the current events, thoughts and feelings we are experiencing in our lives are revolving. This transformational "axis" generally reveals itself in a way that is most helpful to each of us in understanding our predicament (or as the Quakers say, "speaks to our condition") allowing a clearer perception of how our healing process can best be supported. It was this aspect of healing with EFT that I found most wonderful and which re-awakened in me the sense of awe of and reverence for the intelligence that governs our health and all natural processes that I think we all have when we are children.

Learning to reconnect and trust our well-being to this inner wisdom is the challenge we face when we seek to both improve our level of health and to create a different experience in any area of our lives. It is an impulse from this part of us that prompts us to search for ways of catalysing the changes we wish to make and which brings us to EFT or any form of therapy that feels "right" for us. I think it is so important not to underestimate the power of this step, which signals a conscious commitment to begin to accept responsibility for the part we have to play in healing ourselves and which can also start to harness the extraordinary power of our subconscious minds to help us achieve what we wish for.

Because many of us have become so out of touch with what our bodies, minds and feelings are telling us we need, we often fail to hear the subtle whisperings of our intuition, which is always trying to guide us back to balance. The improved level of inner communication that follows EFT enhances our sensitivity to these intuitive "prompts" presenting us with a priceless opportunity to heed the "advice" from a "physician" that could not be more highly qualified to help us. Learning to listen consistently to this voice takes practice and we can easily be miss it altogether if we keep ourselves too busy, or don't create a space in our lives for this to happen by timetabling regular daily periods of quiet to relax and listen within. It is also difficult to for most of us move away from taking everyone else's advice about what is best for us, to discover what we feel is most appropriate for ourselves.

As we devote time to our healing in this way and listen more and more, we begin to become aware of the often conflicting nature of our desires about what it is we want. We may discover that although we say we wish for a new primary relationship, we realise we still have drawers full of old love letters or photographs which we associate with great pain. We may decide that we want to experience a greater sense of excitement and optimism for the future, but we notice that our house is groaning at the seams with objects, pictures and memories which fill us with sadness, resentment or regret. We may think we want our life to be more dynamic, yet we discover that all around us we keep images and people who support the preservation of the status quo. We may want our body or mind to heal, but we are unable or unwilling to let go of the anger or fear that fuels our illness.

These sorts of revelations, place us in a much more powerful position when we are deciding how we want our lives to be. We have much more of a choice. We can make decisions which move us towards where we want to go and what we wish to experience, or we can hold on to what we already have. There is no "right" or "wrong" here, but what is present, is a greater awareness of how our minds have been pulling us in different directions, causing the discomfort we seek to dispel.

When a seed is geminating, the vast array of biochemical activity inside the husk, which is transforming the embryo from a state of dormancy to one of dynamic growth, is hidden. A tremendous momentum must be established to allow the shoot to break through and reach for the sky. The safety provided by the protection of the seed must be left behind if the plant is to grow successfully - but it can easily perish while so young, by a sudden change in the weather, or inhospitable circumstances.
Similarly when we feel dissatisfied with our health, our lives, or ourselves, something within us is seeking the light of day. The tensions we feel are the changes that are occurring inside, that have not yet been matched by what is outside. This can provide us with the energy we need to let go of what we no longer need, freeing us to experience what we are reaching for. Energy Field Therapy can be a powerful aid in both supporting this growth and in helping us to make decisions for ourselves with greater clarity.


Kindest regards



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