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Training to become a lightworker using
Energy Field Therapy

The energy field that surrounds all living beings, including ourselves can be perceived as a symphony of light and sound.


Altering the interplay of these two fundamental components of life, effects profound transformation in our state of being.

Energy Field Therapy is the process of facilitating this change for another living being.

Becoming a lightworker is a calling to devote one's life to assisting others' healing in this way.

It involves both the progressive purification of ones own energy system or lightbody so that one can channel and integrate increasingly more subtle and powerful "forms" of energy, and a commitment to share the gifts that this bestows on us with others.

You must be prepared to shine the light of awareness into your own darkness and be guided by the wisdom that emerges. This is painful and takes great courage, but the rewards are great. As you remember who you really are, you will increasingly be able to enter the sublime state of loving surrender, from which the healing of yourself and others is born.

Although a training schedule is not yet available, it is my hope that this will emerge in the not too distant future.

If your heart is drawing you towards this path, please make contact by email to register your details.

Love and light,


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